Influence is a tale set nearly 300 years from now, in a future I don't think is too far off-base from what we might potentially be heading towards.
Marshall Strickland is the self-declared Majaristo of Springland, otherwise known as the remains of the United States after the Third World War.
Lydia Butler is the star of the show. She will take you through her journey from the Academy where she spent her entire life to meeting Majaristo Strickland and what follows.
Influence: Book One of the Marshall Law Series will keep your interest from start to finish.
For other countries, go to your local Amazon website and search 'Alison Insco' and look for Influence. And hey, feel free to check out my other books while you're there!
In the next day or two, the book should also be available on Kobo, iBooks, Nook, and through a variety of other retailers.
Also in the next day or two, some supplementary material relevant to the story will be available for purchase - specifically the Constitution of Springland. It's not a necessary purchase to enjoy or understand the series; it's just something I enjoyed putting together, and thought people might want to check out.
Have a great week, everybody!