Friday, December 5, 2014

NaNoWriMo Highs

Well, NaNoWriMo has been over for 5 days now. I hit the 50,000 word goal on the 14th, and ended the story on the 26th with 71,118 words.

There's something of a high to writing during NaNoWriMo. The rush of hitting the daily goal - and surpassing it most days - leaves me almost breathless. Seeing the daily word count creep up - 100, 500, 1000, 1500, and then BOOM! 1667! - makes me feel like maybe, just maybe, I'm doing something worthwhile.

I have always loved writing. It's just something I've enjoyed for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first "book" when I was in the sixth grade. I came across that piece of work earlier this year when I was looking through boxes. It's got some good bones, and I'll probably give it a rewrite at some point. As it sits, however, it's pretty terrible, and I'm okay with that. It's pretty good for a twelve-year-old's story.

Writing is a release. It takes everything that's been bottled up inside my head and lets it out in a healthy manner. With writing, I can explore worlds of my own creation and not worry about people getting into trouble for the situations in which I've put them. I can explore things I have only researched, and hopefully do the topics justice.

NaNoWriMo is a bit of a cathartic month. I go through fits and starts of writing throughout the year, but when November hits, I buckle down and get to work and pound out a novel. Whether it's good or bad doesn't enter my mind at all during November. Just getting that first draft out is all that is on my mind.

Now that December is here, though, it's time to buckle down and get to editing. Whether I edit the latest novel or go back to work on a previously-written one still stands to be seen, but something will be edited and readied for release over the next month or two.

As always, thank you to everyone who has supported me by purchasing copies of Lullaby and Ray of Light. Your encouragement means the world to me. I hope you continue to enjoy my words and my worlds.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Small Announcement

I’m pleased to announce that my second novel, Ray of Light, is now available for purchase at SmashWords and Amazon! There are under the Books heading that will lead you directly to them.  As more venues come available, the list will be updated. Thanks so much to everyone for their continued support! Please share!

Friday, September 26, 2014

A moment of pride

Today, I received four copies of my first published novel, Lullaby. I am so excited and proud and full to bursting that I can hardly contain it!

Lookie, lookie!!
Just a reminder that there are links posted on the Books page. Also, if you go to my Facebook author page and throw me a like, I will be doing a giveaway when I hit 100 fans.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wherein I conduct an interview with myself

What is your favorite thing to do?

Do you like to cook?
I never used to like to cook, but over the past few years, I've come to find cooking to be a relaxing, almost meditative, activity. I enjoy taking a bunch of random ingredients and producing something delicious.

Do you live alone?
I live with my two kids and our cat, Sadie.

Which was the last book you read?
The Book Thief

Do you have any siblings?
I have two older sisters.

How do you spend your leisure time?
When I'm not writing or cooking, I'm relaxing with the kids, watching TV inside or watching them play outside.

Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
I would much rather be BEHIND the camera!

Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person?
It's funny how things can change over time without us really noticing until we actually make the effort to reflect on the situation. I used to be a night owl, up all night, sleep half the day away. Since the kids started school, though, I've become more of a morning person. It still takes some time for me to wake up fully, but I'm usually in a pretty good mood and ready to be productive when I get up in the morning.

Who has had the most influence in your life?
My mom, with her perseverance and strength in tough situations.

Do you like to play a musical instrument?
When I was a teenager, I played clarinet, and while I would love to play again, I don't think I would know what to do with it were I to pick one up now, more than 15 years later. I taught myself how to play a little guitar many years ago, too, but my guitar met an unfortunate end and I never managed to get another.

What were your favorite subjects in school?
Language Arts/English was always my favourite subject.

Do you like to dance?
Not really. I find it too awkard and confusing. I'm really not coordinated at all.

What do you want to be doing in ten years?
I'd like to be writing still, preferably in a capacity that pays the bills.

Would you like to be famous?
Yes and no. I would like the security that would come along with fame, but I'm far too shy to actually be comfortable in the public eye.

How many times did you move as a child?
I lived in three towns and four houses before turning 18.

Which is your favorite movie?
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Are you a beach, country or city person?
City all the way.

Are you close to your family?
I'd like to think so.

Do you live in a house or an apartment?
I currently live in a townhouse.

Friday, September 19, 2014


My least favourite part of the writing process is editing. I tend to like to operate under the delusion that my words are perfect the way they are when they escape my fingers. I know, of course, that this is not the case. I'm editing the first novel I wrote, 3 years ago, and have come across more than a few outright mistakes that would confuse the reader, including putting the wrong name in one spot, though it was at least the correct gender.

I think, despite it being my least favourite part, I am a natural editor. I can pick out mistakes and confusing phrasing fairly easily, and am often asked to proof read things for people. I am spending more time editing old stuff than writing new stuff of late, but I suppose if I want to get it out there for people to buy, edit I must.

I do not, however, recommend editing whilst laying on your stomach in bed in the late hours of the evening when the house is quiet and the kids are asleep. This is a surefire recipe for needing to re-edit the next day due to the many head nods and eyelid droops that will certainly occur. When even the cat has gone to bed for the night, it's time to put away the work for the night. It's time to bid the words adieu, and move along to dreamland.

Before I sign off, I want to leave you with the synopsis for the novel I am working on editing. The story is called Edge of Consciousness, and was the first novel-length manuscript I completed.

Come with me to Merridell, a land with old-world charm and untold magic. Our core cast of characters find themselves immersed in this strange land seemingly by accident, visiting in their dreams. Aaron and Elise Bishop and their children, eight year old Amy and ten year old Andrew, spend their sleeping hours traversing across the landscape towards a strange fire in the distance. As they journey, they learn of unusual skills they possess in this slumberland, taking the time to hone them.

Fare thee well, gentle reader. Until next time.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A rambling first post

This has been a whirlwind week for me. I jumped feet-first into the world of self-publishing on Monday, and have been riding the wave since. I think it's safe to say that nervous doesn't begin to describe how I've been feeling. I've never shared my words with so many people, and the book I chose to publish first is on the intense end of the spectrum.

Things are going at about the rate I expected, which is to say, somewhat slowly. I'm more than okay with this, though. If I had sold a hundred books in the first week, I may have fainted several times over. As it is, I'm thrilled with the rate the book is selling, and can only hope to improve the rate as time goes on.

I started editing the first novel I ever wrote tonight. It's been sitting gathering cyberdust for nearly 3 years, but I think I'm ready to tackle it again. It's something like meeting up with an old friend whom you haven't seen in years, to the point where they are nearly unrecognizable to you. I'm reading it with fresh eyes and a new perspective with the endgoal of publication in mind.

I've also been working on cover art recently. Of the 7 finished manuscripts, I have titles, and thus covers, for 4. The other 3 are still awaiting titles, and so covers must wait. I've really been enjoying making the covers - more than I thought I would. I also happen to think they're pretty darn good. My first attempt at a cover was... Well, less than stellar. My second attempt wasn't much better. The third was marginally better, but the fourth... The fourth was, in my opinion, on par with professional covers. The following have been along the same lines of quality.

I'm hoping to publish another book soon, but not too soon. I don't want to put too much of myself out there only to be disappointed. Stay tuned to hear more about upcoming projects, and keep an eye out for giveaways!